Learning to Share the Spaces and Resources and Engage without causing harm or being harmed.

We need 21st-century civility

21st-century civility is the ability to engage intentionally

with each other, in the same space, along with our differences

without causing harm or being harmed.

And, because 21st-century civility is a new and uncommon civility,

it must be taught, embraced, and practiced.

A little about incivility...

These days, most people are simply happy and relieved to be employed, attending school or college, and/or residing in decent

housing. This is particularly true in those exclusive environments where gaining initial access as an employee, a student, or as a

resident can be a major challenge. Once a part of these environments, people do not expect or think they would experience incivility

and certainly do not see incivility as harm coming their way. What better place for incivility to thrive than

in hard-to-access environments with unsuspecting people?

It is not until incivility escalates into a massive problem of bullying, mobbing, harassment, violence, or even death that there is a

response, national attention, safety committees formed, and a call to action. 

By this time, it is too late, and irreparable damage has been done.

To me, one harmed person is too many.

The Civility Zone has found a healthy and inclusive response

to the pervasive problem of incivility...

cultivating, embracing, and teaching people Mindful Civility®

and how to practice it. Let the healing begin...